GameDay helps you during your preparation stage.
Use the laser prior to starting a workout in order to relieve any muscle-skeletal pain, reduce future muscle fatigue.
The Clinical Trial concluded the Game Day Laser treatment had a “protective” effect on the muscles minimizing oxidative damage compared to placebo and protected against fatigue. *
The difference you make in the period between competitions is usually what sets you apart during competition.
Strenuous training can lead to Movement System Syndrome.
In addition, Physical Stress Theory states that those who are able to train, adapt,
and compete while staying between “increased tolerance” and “injury” thresholds will succeed.
Setting 1 on the GameDay Laser was specifically designed to help you keep up the intensity of your
training during this crucial time.
* Research references
1) Clinical Trial by Antonialli et al concluded the Game Day Laser treatment had a “protective” effect on the muscles minimizing oxidative damage compared to placebo and protected against fatigue.
2) 300% faster recovery (than placebo)
3) Improved performance by 20% (over placebo) during the activity, and a noted increase in performance by 10-15% after 48 hours!!
4) LLLT controls the development of inflammation and the eliminates the effects of DOMS better than ice without pharmacological interventions
5) Safe, non-heating, and provides protection against muscle damage when used before activity
6) The Game Day Laser is an effective way to enhance performance and accelerate recovery
7) Barnes, et al found that 80% of all pitchers were able to improve total pitch count (p<0.023) by 16% with one active laser session that lasted less than 5 minutes!
8) Clinical Trial Vanin, et al demonstrated a 100% improvement in strength after 30 days compared to the placebo by administrating pre and post lifting treatments with the Multi Radiance laser for 30 days and found at 120 days there was a 150% improvement when treatments were given before the exercise.
9) Miranda, et al demonstrated the Multi Radiance laser produces statistically significant improvements in running. A single pre-exercise improved time to exhaustion (p<0.000), the distance travelled (p<0.023), pulmonary ventilation (p<0.004), VO2 max (p<0.003) while decreasing dyspnea (p<0.000).